U.S. interest rates

Powell says the Fed is not ready to start cutting interest rates yet

In his Capitol Hill testimony on 6th March 2024, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell reiterated that was not yet time to begin cutting interest rates.

To fight inflation, which reached a rate of 9% in the summer of 2022, the central bank has significantly increased interest rates in recent times. However, prices are still stubborn, especially for things like housing and groceries.

Due to the robust economic performance in early 2024, the expected reduction in interest rates has been postponed. Instead of taking place this month, the rate cuts are now more probable in May or June 2024.

Powell reportedly said: ‘The Committee does not expect that it will be appropriate to reduce the target range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2 percent.’

He reiterated the pledge to lower inflation to the 2% target and keep long-term inflation expectations stable.


On Thursday 7th March 2024 Powell also said: the Fed is ‘not far’ from the point of cutting interest rates

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