I asked AI to write a Christmas poem…

Father Christmas
I asked AI to write a Christmas poem...

And this is what it came up with… (exactly as it was written)

Christmas is a time of joy
A time to celebrate and enjoy
The birth of our Savior and King
Who came to earth to bring
Peace and love to all mankind
And hope for those who seek and find

Christmas is a time of grace
A time to forgive and embrace
The ones who hurt us or make us sad
And remember the good times we had
With family and friends who are dear
And wish them all a happy new year

Christmas is a time of light
A time to shine and delight
The world with our gifts and talents
And share our blessings and abundance
With those who are in need or alone
And make them feel they have a home

The image was AI generated too.

Merry Christmas and A happy New Year!


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