Red Stock market

The Hindenburg Omen is a technical indicator that signals a higher likelihood of a stock market crash. It measures the percentage of new 52-week highs and lows against a set reference percentage. The simultaneous occurrence of new highs and lows suggests a statistical anomaly from the norm, potentially foreshadowing aRead More →


The UK’s data protection authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), is reportedly making inquiries into a new screenshot feature available from Microsoft. This feature, known as Recall, is a component of the Copilot+ suite and aims to take encrypted snapshots of a user’s laptop screen at intervals, storing them onRead More →

China GDP

On Wednesday 29th May 2024, the International Monetary Fund increased its projection for China’s economic growth this year to 5% from the previous 4.6%, citing robust first-quarter figures and recent policy actions. This revision reportedly came after the IMF’s routine evaluation visit to China. The institution now predicts that China’sRead More →