NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade. Historical stock price trends As of 10th May 2024, NVIDIA’s closing stock price stood at: $898.78 NVIDIA’s stock reached an all-time high of $950.02 on 25th March 2024. The 52-week high stands at $974.00, which is 9.7% higher thanRead More →

Investing in individual stocks can be both thrilling and profitable, yet it carries inherent risks. To make informed decisions, it’s important to adhere to some fundamental steps. Define Your Goals Before diving into stock picking, consider your investment goals Invest for the longer-term, it works! KIS – Keep It Simple!Read More →

Purest silcon created

Scientists have recently achieved a remarkable breakthrough by creating pure silicon, which could pave the way for quantum computing The world’s purest silicon Researchers have developed an ultra-pure form of silicon, known as silicon-28 (Si-28), which is fundamental for ‘silicon-spin qubits’ in quantum computers. This advancement addresses a major challengeRead More →