A Wise Owl

Warren Buffett, renowned as one of history’s most successful investors, has imparted invaluable insights that can help steer you on your investment path. Rule No. 1 is never lose money. Rule No. 2 is never forget Rule No. 1 This straightforward statement has significant connotations. Although the aim of investingRead More →

Investing in individual stocks can be both thrilling and profitable, yet it carries inherent risks. To make informed decisions, it’s important to adhere to some fundamental steps. Define Your Goals Before diving into stock picking, consider your investment goals Invest for the longer-term, it works! KIS – Keep It Simple!Read More →

2 billion

Jeff Bezos filed a statement indicating his sale of nearly 12 million shares of Amazon stock worth more than $2 billion The Amazon executive chairman notified the U.S. SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission of the sale of 11,997,698 shares of common stock on the 7th and 8th February 2024. The collective value of theRead More →

Invest long-term

In 1993, amidst the hustle and bustle of family life and work commitments, I distinctly recall contemplating that should I have any disposable income, I would invest it in these particular stocks. I worked in tech running my own business and Microsoft was one of the businesses I wondered about,Read More →

Adobe Firefly

The creator of Photoshop and InDesign launched a generative AI tool called ‘firefly’, which has recently gained traction. It is quite possible that Adobe has one of the best AI generative tools available and it’s worth checking it out as a stock to *invest in. Firefly enables users to editRead More →