
A Downgrade Amidst Economic Slowdown In a significant development that has raised concerns among investors and policymakers worldwide, China’s debt outlook has been downgraded as the country grapples with a slowing economy. This move reflects growing apprehensions about the sustainability of China’s economic growth and its ability to manage itsRead More →


Spending plans outlined in the chancellor’s Autumn Statement represent ‘a very big fiscal risk’, according to the UK’s OBR. Mr Richard Hughes, chair of the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), told MPs on the Treasury Select Committee that spending plans carried a level of ‘uncertainty’. He suggested that much ofRead More →

UK autumn statement

Some of the main takeaways from the chancellor’s autumn statement November 2023 National Insurance rate cut from 12% to 10% from 6 January, affecting 27 million people. The 75% business rates discount for retail, hospitality and leisure firms in England extended for another year. Class 2 National Insurance – paidRead More →

Tap Water

Water stress measures the amount of available supply a country uses to meet demand, and is expected to worsen as the climate warms. A quarter of the world’s population is currently exposed to extremely high annual water stress, according to new data from the World Resources Institute (WRI).  New dataRead More →

UK GDP contracts

The UK economy shrank more than expected in July due to strike action taken by NHS workers, doctors and teachers – ONS data shows. Wet weather also hit the construction and retail industries, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said, causing the economy to contract by 0.5%. The figures wereRead More →

India expands Many economists stronly believe that India’s stellar economic trajectory alongside strong forecasts for some Southeast Asian countries will be important drivers for future global growth. The next decade, could see Asia Pacific become the fastest growing region of the world economy. India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam willRead More →

UK Debt burden

Slow-Growing UK Faces Over £2.6 Trillion Debt Pile £2,600,000,000,000 in debt The amount the UK owes exceeds GDP for first time since 1961. Inflation-linked bonds mean the UK is paying more than its peers. From the financial crisis to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has borrowed and spent itsRead More →

UK GDP up April - June 2023

U.K. economy beat expectations with 0.2% growth in the second quarter, boosted by household consumption and manufacturing output, the Office for National Statistics said Friday. Economists had expected U.K. GDP to level off in the second quarter, after a surprise increase of 0.1% in the first quarter, as the BankRead More →