Debt burden

The federal debt reportedly reached $34.5 trillion, marking an increase of approximately $11 trillion since March 2020. This surge has sparked discussions among government and financial leaders, with a notable Wall Street firm questioning whether the associated costs could threaten the stock market’s upward trend. The Congressional Budget Office projectsRead More →

Global debt burden

Borge Brende, the president of the World Economic Forum (WEF), recently issued a stark warning about global debt levels. Speaking at the ‘Special Meeting on Global Collaboration, Growth and Energy for Development‘ in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (see WEF website), he highlighted that global debt ratios are approaching levels not seen since the 1820s. TheRead More →

U.S. debt pile

The U.S. national debt has been growing more quickly in recent months, increasing about $1 trillion nearly every 100 days. U.S. debt permanently crossed over $34 trillion on 4th January 2024 according to data from the U.S. Department of the Treasury. It reached $33 trillion on 15th September 2023, and $32 trillionRead More →

World debt

The world is looking at a debt crisis that will span the rest of this decade and well into the next $307.4 trillion of world debt! It’s not going to end well; economists warn with global borrowings hitting a record of $307.4 trillion in September 2023. Debt at this level is unsustainable.Read More →


A Downgrade Amidst Economic Slowdown In a significant development that has raised concerns among investors and policymakers worldwide, China’s debt outlook has been downgraded as the country grapples with a slowing economy. This move reflects growing apprehensions about the sustainability of China’s economic growth and its ability to manage itsRead More →


U.S. citizens have accumulated a record-breaking $1 trillion in credit card debt. The Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes through 2023 have caused average interest rates for credit cards to spike to more than 22%. Rates on retail credit cards are even higher, nearing 29% on average. Despite rising costs and higher borrowingRead More →

UK Debt burden

Slow-Growing UK Faces Over £2.6 Trillion Debt Pile £2,600,000,000,000 in debt The amount the UK owes exceeds GDP for first time since 1961. Inflation-linked bonds mean the UK is paying more than its peers. From the financial crisis to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has borrowed and spent itsRead More →

Investing in individual stocks can be both thrilling and profitable, yet it carries inherent risks. To make informed decisions, it’s important to adhere to some fundamental steps. Define Your Goals Before diving into stock picking, consider your investment goals Invest for the longer-term, it works! KIS – Keep It Simple!Read More →

Inflation has become a persistent challenge for the Fed The battle against inflation persists, gradually impacting the U.S. economy and presenting substantial challenges for the Federal Reserve. Despite concerted efforts to control it, inflation remains stubbornly remains, leaving policymakers in a dilemma – to stimulate economic growth or to curbRead More →

Online teaching

In 2018, Byju Raveendran’s edtech company, Byju’s, was the darling of India’s start-up scene. It was valued at a staggering $22 billion. However, recent times have seen its fortunes take a dramatic downturn. Financial Crisis and Valuation Plunge Once India’s leading privately-held company, Byju’s is now regarded as a cautionary tale. Investment company BlackRock recently slashed its valuationRead More →


Deflation is an economic phenomenon characterized by a general decline in prices for goods and services. It occurs when the inflation rate falls below 0%, resulting in a negative inflation rate.  This means that the purchasing power of currency increases over time, allowing you to buy more with the same amount of money. ItRead More →

UK autumn statement

Some of the main takeaways from the chancellor’s autumn statement November 2023 National Insurance rate cut from 12% to 10% from 6 January, affecting 27 million people. The 75% business rates discount for retail, hospitality and leisure firms in England extended for another year. Class 2 National Insurance – paidRead More →

U.S. credit card debt

U.S. citizens now owe $1.08 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. U.S. Household Debt Rises to $17.29 Trillion Led by Mortgage, Credit Card, and Student Loan Balances Total household debt rose by 1.3% to reach $17.29 trillion in the thirdRead More →

UK credit worthiness improves

Moody’s is a credit rating agency that evaluates the creditworthiness of countries, companies, and other entities.  It recently upgraded the UK’s credit outlook from negative to stable, citing policy predictability, softer EU trade stance, and tax reversals. This means that Moody’s expects the UK to have a lower risk ofRead More →


Metro Bank shares have plunged by 25% after reports emerged that the bank is urgently seeking to raise millions to bolster its finances.  The bank is in talks with investors about raising £250m in equity financing and £350m in debt, while asset sales are also being considered to strengthen the lender’s balance sheet.Read More →

UK taxes high!

It has been suggested Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson have overseen biggest tax rises since the Second World War ‘Fiscal responsibility’ – code words for ‘cock-up!’ Chancellor Jeremy Hunt and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have stressed the need for ‘fiscal responsibility’ amid still-high inflation and rising debt costs. According toRead More →