Bank of England forecasts

The Bank of England (BoE) stands as a bastion of economic stability, guiding the United Kingdom through the ebbs and flows of financial tides.  Modernising the Bank of England’s forecasting system has become a critical necessity. A recent independent review has cast a spotlight on the ‘serious deficiencies’ within itsRead More →

UK Charts

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) advises that the Bank of England should contemplate reducing its interest rates to 3.5% by the end of 2025. This suggestion is made as the UK’s economy steadily recovers from the recession caused by the pandemic, while policymakers are dealing with inflationary challenges. The ‘thinking’Read More →

Slow growth in UK

Forecasts indicate that the UK economy will experience sluggish growth among the largest developed nations in 2025. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has projected a 1% increase in the UK’s gross domestic product (GDP) for 2025, which lags behind the growth rates of other G7 nations, includingRead More →

UK jobs

The latest figures on UK pay growth and unemployment present a complex picture of the country’s labour market. The unemployment rate has seen a slight uptick to 4.2%, a rise from the previous 3.9%. This increase, which is more than anticipated, suggests a softening in the labour market. Conversely, wage growthRead More →

UK inflation

In February 2024, inflation decreased to 3.4%, a decline from January’s 4%, moving closer to the Bank of England’s self-imposed target of 2% This reduction signifies that the cost of living is increasing at its least rapid rate since September 2021, when it was recorded at 3.1%. Since reaching aRead More →

UK shoppers

Retail sales rebounded in January as shoppers went on a determined spending spree, latest figures show. ONS figures revealed a 3.4% jump in sales following a drop in December 2023. Food sales at supermarkets rose strongly while department stores reported a good impact from January sales. The Office for NationalRead More →

Bank system failings.

HSBC fined £57.4m by the Bank of England for ‘serious failings’ to protect customer deposits. The bank failed to accurately identify deposits eligible for the UK’s Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the Bank’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) announced. HSBC was fined by the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) forRead More →