
A recent cyber-attack on CTS, a company that provides IT services to law firms and other organisations in the UK legal sector.  It was reported the cyberattack occurred on Wednesday, 22nd November 2023, and caused a widespread outage that affected dozens of law firms and homebuyers.  The cyberattack was reportedlyRead More →

Hack attack!

Cybersecurity is a very important and relevant topic in today’s world. It refers to the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks that can harm individuals and organizations. Cyberattacks will all have malicious intent, such as accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users viaRead More →


The U.S. cyber hacker challenge is a new initiative launched by the Biden administration in August 2023 to use artificial intelligence (AI) to protect critical U.S. infrastructure from cybersecurity risks.  The challenge will offer $20 million in prize money and includes collaboration from leading AI companies Anthropic, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI,Read More →


The UK’s elections watchdog has revealed it has been the victim of a complex cyber-attack potentially affecting millions of voters. The Electoral Commission said unspecified ‘hostile actors‘ had managed to gain access to copies of the electoral registers, from August 2021. Note the word ‘unspecified’ is used – do theyRead More →