Gemini chatbot illustration

Google on Thursday 22nd February 2024 said it is pausing its Gemini artificial intelligence (AI) image generation feature after saying it offers ‘inaccuracies’ in historical pictures Users had been reporting that the AI tool generated images of historical figures, like the U.S. Founding Fathers as people of colour, calling thisRead More →


I can see and hear and speak… OpenAI’s ChatGPT can now ‘see, hear and speak,’ or, at least, understand spoken words, respond with a synthetic voice and process images, the company announced Monday 25th September 2023. The update to the chatbot OpenAI’s biggest since the introduction of GPT-4, allows users to opt intoRead More →

AI chatbot

More than 6 million users already Baidu also announced that more than 6 million users have used an AI powered tool that sits inside its Google drive-like cloud product. At the 4th September event, Baidu also demonstrated ‘displayed generative’ AI-based products that could assist with traffic management, financial research andRead More →