
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell stated on Wednesday 3rd April 2024 that policymakers will need time to assess the current inflation situation, leaving the schedule for potential interest rate reductions unclear. Referring to the stronger-than-anticipated price pressures at the year’s onset, Powell reportedly stated that he and his colleagues areRead More →

U.S. interest rate

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) held interest rates steady and indicated a willingness stop raising interest rates. But a cut anytime soon is unlikely until inflation is brought fully under control and nearer to the Fed’s 2% inflation target. The Federal Reserve sent a signal that it is finishedRead More →


Federal Reserve officials in December concluded that interest rate cuts are likely in 2024, though they appeared to provide little in the way of when that might occur, according to minutes from the meeting released Wednesday 3rd January 2024. FOMC meeting minutes The rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) agreed to keepRead More →